
Mobility expertise at your service.

We deliver mobility insights from big data analysis to help plan and execute public and private initiatives dealing with demand planning.

We support you in the implementation of transport policy and we work with you in devising the mobility of the future on connectivity and automation.

Mobility Analytics

We derive mobility insights from a multi-layer big data analysis to transform your transport strategy.

The main source to understand current mobility is Telecom data, which is complemented with demographic data, land uses, transport system and smart infrastructure data.

Sustainable Mobility

Electric vehicle expert knowledge, charging infrastructure planning and deployment and business model transformation advice.

Get ahead of the Future Mobility

Autonomous systems impact and deployment advice, disruptive innovation and future scenario planning.

Transport modelling Simulation and Visualisation

Understanding road network performance, modelling user behaviour, route planning and optimisation, demand and scenario analysis.

Transport policy Impact Advice

We advise private companies and public authorities on transport policy, mobility infrastructure implementation, scheme development, active mobility and sustainability.

Roadmap to Deployment

We help you design public transport systems and plan mobility infrastructure, promote shared mobility schemes and unlock the potential of multimodal transport hubs.